Oferta Imprimante InkJet/Laser

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0013B0572 |
Lexmark X264DN Format A4, Functii Imprimare, Copiere, Scanare, Fax ; Duplex: LCD gray scale display ; Viteza pag pe min monocrom imprimanta 28, copiere 28, rezolutie monocrom 1200 Image Quality 1200x1200dpi; Procesor 266 MHz; ,Memorie 64MB, max 64 MB; Siteme operare: Win server, XP, Vista, 7, Apple Mac OS,Linux,Novell, Unix SunSolaris; Capacitate standard la intrare 250+1 coli, max800+1 coli; Porturi/conexiune: USB 2.0,Fast ethernet, Optional N4050e 802.11g – Server de imprimare wireless (doar pentru imprimare) ; Metode de imprimare în re?ea LPR/LPD ,Direct IP (Port 9100) ,HTTP ,*Enhanced IP (Port 9400) ,FTP, TFTP ,IPP 1.1;Protocoale pentru administrarea re?elei; Fonturi pentru coduri de bare; Limbaje pentru imprimante PCL5e, PCL6, PPDS) ,Emulare PostScript 3 Volum de lucru ; Recomandat 50000pag/luna; Garantie 1 an |
0013B0573 |
Lexmark X363dn (A4 monocrom, Imprimare33ppm, Copiere 32ppm, scanare 21ppm, Duplex integrat , 266MHz, 128Mb, Intrare 300 coli , Fast Ethernet ,USB 2.0,Duty Cycle Max 80.000 pag./luna) |

Lexmark T650n (A4 , 43ppm, 1200x1200dpi, 500MHz, 128Mb, Intrare 350coli, Fast Ethernet , USB 2.0),Duty Cycle Max 200.000pag/luna (0030G0102) |
0030G0129 |
Lexmark T650dn (A4 , 43ppm, 1200x1200dpi, 500MHz, 128Mb, Duplex, Intrare 350coli, Fast Ethernet , USB 2.0),Duty Cycle Max 200.000pag/luna |
00MS00371 |
Lexmark X734DE (A4; Imprimanta 28/28 ppm; Copiator 28/28 cpm, 2400 Image Quality; zoom 25-400%; Procesot 600Mhz, Mem 512MB; Scanner;Fax; Duplex ADF, Capacitate intrare 650 coli, 10/100BTx, port USB si Paralel; Duty cycle 85.000pag/luna) |
NOTA: Pretul poate varia cu +/- 10% in functie de stoc-ul curent. O sa fiti notificat/a de orice modificare.
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